How We Drain Your Pool?
There are many requisites that we keep in mind before proceeding with the actual pool drainage process. For instance, the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels must be checked and if it is found to be too high, it is an indication that the pool needs to be drained. Another factor that we check is the ideal temperature. If the draining process is scheduled on a hot summer day, the pool walls could get damaged due to exposure to the hot sun. Therefore, our technicians check the weather conditions and only then proceed with the draining activity. We also see to it that the chemicals such as chlorine and pH levels in the water are not too high. A chlorine neutralizer can be used to speed up the process.
Another important component to consider is to have a water dispersal plan in place. This includes determining where the pool water will be directed before it is actually pulled out. We also see to it that all automatic pool equipment running on a timer are turned-off before the water is pumped out, to avoid hindrances during the dispersal process.
The hydrostatic valve located at the bottom of the surface of the pool is opened and the process of pumping out the water begins. Once the water is drained to the appropriate level required, we start the repair and maintenance work immediately. We do not allow your empty pool to be exposed to the air for too long, as this may cause damage. All the damage work is fixed within one week and the pool is refilled with water once again.
To refill the pool, we attach one or more hose to the water supply and allow the pool to patiently fill itself with water. The amount of water to be filled must be accurate. A slight overfill works, as we take into consideration the loss of water due to some evaporation, especially in the sprawling Dubai weather.
The last step is to chemically balance the pool to make it safe, clean, and comfortable to swim again. We also adhere to the rule of adding the right quantity of pH to the water. Too much pH makes the water cloudy and leaves deposits on the wall, while too little pH can lead to corrosion of the pool equipment and make the water black which is unfit for swimming.