Gardening is an activity that is enjoyed by everyone, especially children. Gardens can be a great place to capture the interest of the children and have fun while learning. Getting their hands dirty, can teach children the process of growing vegetables & plants and cultivate an attitude of gratitude towards the food they eat. Moreover, taking care of plants can teach children to become more responsible towards nature and inculcate strong values of environmental awareness.

In today’s digital world, children get the opportunity to lave their screens and get some fresh air by dedicating 20 minutes of gardening time, each day. Exposure to sunlight gets the child the required amount of vitamin D and helps him stay physically healthy.

We would like to share a few tips on how to set-up a ‘Kids Friendly Garden’ for your little munchkins.

Dedicate a Small Patch for Gardening for Your Children

Villas in Dubai offer a considerably decent backyard space of which a small portion can be reserved for cultivating a children's garden. Simply a small patch of land is more manageable for children and they would feel less overwhelmed by the burden of having to cultivate plants on a large surface. Use this project to demonstrate the basics of gardening. Teach them how the sun, water, soil, air, and healthy soil contribute to the growth of plants. As your child gains this basic knowledge, proceed towards sowing vegetable and flower gardens.

Select Plants that Children Love to Grow

While choosing the type of plant to grow, always consider the child’s interest. Children enjoy plants that have a pleasant smell, grow quickly, and are easily recognizable. Plants that grow from big seeds are easier to handle by children and less dangerous for them to hold in their palms. Some big seeded plants that you can consider growing are sunflower, peas, pumpkin, etc. One can also rely on growing food plants that flourish quickly and do not require much patience or special attention. Radish, lettuce, basil, carrots, and cherry tomatoes are perfect examples and make for a healthy bowl of snacks that can be consumed raw straight after they have been plucked from the garden.

Use Child-friendly Tools

Don’t forget to buy a set of child-friendly gardening tools for your little ones. These include protective clothing and garden tools that will keep the child safe from any unwanted accidents. Order rakes, shovels, and hoes, with an adjustable rod, so that parents can easily adjust the length of the tool, as the child grows taller. These tools are lightweight and are usually made from plastic to avoid any mishaps that can be caused due to the use of heavy metal tools with pointed edges. A pair of gloves and a gardening apron protects the child’s clothes from getting soiled and ensures proper hygiene.

Teach Your Kids Proper Technique to Maintain the Gardens

Develop a habit of consistency amongst your children by setting aside a timely schedule for them to dedicate towards gardening each day. Teach them to water plants regularly and pull unwanted weeds with their hands. When the veggies are ready to be plucked, children get a sense of pride in picking the veggies off the plant and washing them, before consuming a bowl full of fresh veggies.

It’s indeed fascinating for the children to experience the food cycle before their eyes and taste the fruits of their own labor. We wish you Happy Gardening!

Olivia Rhye
Product Designer, Homezen

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