As technology becomes more advanced, the world becomes more connected. This also holds true for our homes. Most of us who live in the city or large towns, do not have the luxury of space. Due to our need of being close to the workplace and residing in better, elite areas, we compromise on the floor space available inside the house. Space for any family household is never enough. And that is why we have come up with some ingenious solutions to combat this lack of space issue by creating storage where there was none!
Free-standing storage units can be bought from IKEA or built-in. Each has its own advantage & purpose. Store-bought units are easily assembled and usually have smaller spaces to accommodate various belongings of yours & your family. Colours and designs available will suit every aesthetic. Free-standing units have the advantage of being able to be moved when it strikes your fancy or even be taken to a new home. If you are a person who likes everything to have its proper space then built-in units are for you. You can custom-make and design the unit to fit your space and requirements.
By utilizing every available inch we can create more storage in rooms and yet not have the room look caged or cluttered. Utilizing the space underneath the staircase is the first storage that you can create if you have a dual-storeyed house.  

TV units that stretch from wall to wall have storage below, above as well as behind them; accessible via pull-outs and slides that are not very visible. A combination of open shelving and closed shutters also provide storage while playing down the bulkiness of these units.

Creating seating areas that are sunken into the ground can provide space to create storage below the floor space around. Bay windows also have space to create cozy nooks along with storage space beneath. Doorway alcoves and passages also can accommodate slim storage which can either be concealed or have open shelving.

If you have the permissions and vertical space, installing a staircase and putting up a mezzanine level can also increase the volume of your space tremendously. Some of the best home maintenance services in Dubai will recommend that you do away with contemporary beds and build platform beds in your rooms.

Platform beds are beds that are on a raised level from the actual floor. The false flooring that is hereby created can provide storage as well as give the room an airy, open feel. Dual-purpose furniture such as beds atop a desk and closets occupy less floor space but provide maximum storage space.

Homes that are blessed with an attic and/or a basement have the advantage of designing them to hold the things that are infrequently or seldom used. Weekly rations, seasonal articles, etc can be stored safely out of the way, leaving immediate space in rooms for the more important stuff.

Homes that have separate laundry rooms also can create maximum storage above the counters and machines as the space provided is much more than needed. By installing a counter over the appliances, you have created counter space for ironing or folding or even storage and you have cabinets above which can store many things.

Smaller spaces are less wasteful and very cost-effective, so do not be disheartened. You only need to find or create space that is only hiding and make sure you use it wisely. You only need to decide what items you need at hand and which items you can stow away short term and long term. This makes it easier for you to decide what items remain at hand and what items can go into storage.

The correct storage and lighting can make the space look less cluttered and more organized. If you don’t know where to start, there are many home maintenance services in Dubai that can help you get started.


Olivia Rhye
Product Designer, Homezen

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