ou can keep your home cool this summer and yet be kind to the environment. Read on to know just how we can be comfortable in this sweltering heat.


The first things that come to mind when we think of summer is a fan and the a/c. These 2 appliances are our knights in shining armour against the onslaught of summer heat. Using them correctly and optimally will leave your home cool and breezy. Sometimes it may seem as though ceiling fans just push the hot air around rather than cool it. This is a fact depending on which way your blades are rotating. Fans that aren’t rotating counter-clockwise may be doing just that! Set your ceiling fans to rotate counter-clockwise in summer to push air straight down helping to create a cooling effect. A cleverly-positioned bowl of ice is all you need to turn a table or pedestal fan into a cold mist machine. Place a shallow bowl or pan of ice in front of a fan for an icy-cool breeze that won’t break the bank.


Home maintenance service in Dubai will always guide you to stop the heat at the source instead of remedying it later. This means shading windows as far as possible by adding shades, awnings or even trees. Considering the high-rises that we live in nowadays, even adding a reflective film on the windows along with black-out curtains or blinds, will help to cut the glare and heat before it enters. A south-facing room will benefit from thicker, thermal materials to help keep it cool.


Ac repair services in Dubai recommend that you keep the temperature as high as you can tolerate. A comfortable range is 24 to 27 degrees Celsius. Each degree higher can make a difference of almost 10% in the final electricity bill that you get at the end of the month.


Use natural materials like Linen and cotton not only as part of your summer wardrobe but also around the house for your bed linen and curtains. Pure cotton sheets have sensory benefits and are naturally breathable so they help to regulate your temperature and moisture levels while you sleep, stopping the clammy feeling you can experience with synthetic fibres. Why not go crazy and stuff you pillow-case or socks into the freezer just before bedtime and enjoy the cool material just as you doze off.  


Use the natural currents of the wind and channel them to your advantage by keeping opposite windows open to facilitate cross-ventillation. Turn off or limit the use of heat emitting appliances such as ovens, fryers, and even TV’s, computer devices and entertainment systems. Don’t even keep them on stand-by mode. Incandescent or filament lightbulbs produce a lot of heat, so switching to energy-saving bulbs such as LED’s can help cool your home and save heaps on energy costs.



House plants can also help keep the inside temperatures cool. Besides acting as a mood-booster, plants act as natural air-conditioners and generate moisture into the atmosphere through a process known as transpiration. The most heat-efficient plants are peace lilies and rubber plants as they workbest in humid conditions.

So follow all these tips at home so that you can enjoy the sunshine at your BBQs, beach trips and dips in the paddling pool



Olivia Rhye
Product Designer, Homezen

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