We have seen that climate change is creating a significant impact on our environment. Global warming is due to the pollution caused by man over the years and it is now leading to climate change. Polar ice caps are melting faster and the ocean levels are rising. Over the last few decades, there has been a rise in average global temperatures by 1-degree. If this pace continues, over the next few decades we may see a rise in temperature of upto 2-degrees. Global warming causes changes in the Arctic, extinction of species, wildfires, rising sea-levels and ocean acidification.
We can all counter these effects by doing something as basic and simple as growing our own produce or even having a sustainable backyard garden. Improving on nature: Natural methods of feeding the soil, protecting the seeds during germination and vigilant control of pests and diseases will ensure that you have a naturally flourishing garden.
Nourish the soil with food scraps from your own kitchen and garden after composting. This significantly reduces your contribution to carbon pollution, especially methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas. It also provides an excellent source of nutrients for your garden, again reducing the need for chemical fertilizers. Thereby keeping the soil healthy.
Make all attempts to grow plants that are native to the region as they help to maintain important pollinator connections and ensure food sources for wildlife. Native plants also grow stronger in their own environment and are very nutritional for the people who reside in those places. Plants that are not native to regions and imported can be a threat to local plants and out-compete them for habitat and food.
Surrounding your garden with trees also helps to lower the surrounding temperatures and keep the air fresh and clean as they absorb upto a ton of carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere. They also safeguard against soil erosion.
Maintaining a healthy garden does not only pertain to healthy plants and soil but also to the tools we use to look after them. Use energy-efficient installations such as high efficiency lights, automatic timers and solar powered products. Do away with all gas-powered machines such as lawn mowers and leaf blowers and switch to manual rakes and clippers. This will not only ensure reduced emissions but also add a healthy work out for you. Gardening can be quite therapeutic they say.
A healthy backyard garden does require a lot of irrigation but one must be conscious of the source and amount of water that is used and explore all ways of avoiding wasteful irrigation. Mulching, rainwater harvesting and using drip irrigation saves water and provides nutrients to the soil.
Once you have a lush garden, it will create its own ecosystem with tiny insects and plants, birds and animals that benefit the plant-soil-plant cycle and keep it moving. Change begins with intent and you have stepped closer with just that. Armed with the intent to make a difference, you will find many gardening services in Dubai who will provide you with the best of assistance and the best of gardeners in Dubai to take your little green dream and help you turn it into a greener reality and greener future for us all.